©Kristie Robin Photography 290761

Three Stones Clothing | Fall 2014

Three Stones is by far my favourite Vancouver based clothing company, and I have a closet full of their amazing designs to prove it.  I have had the pleasure of working with them in different capacities over the past few years, and more recently I have started shooting for them.  Ive been patiently waiting to share these images that we shot back in January, so I hope you enjoy.  You can view the whole fall 2014 collection (in colour) here.  Follow them on Facebook here.

Interested in trying some of these pieces on?  If you’re in Vancouver, head over to Spank or The Goods and get your fix, you absolutely can’t go wrong with this brand.

©Kristie Robin Photography 291507©Kristie Robin Photography 291546IMG_7879©Kristie Robin Photography 291657©Kristie Robin Photography 291900©Kristie Robin Photography 292699©Kristie Robin Photography 289712 ©Kristie Robin Photography 290499©Kristie Robin Photography 289753 ©Kristie Robin Photography 290739©Kristie Robin Photography 290536 IMG_8674IMG_8697©Kristie Robin Photography 292953©Kristie Robin Photography 289835©Kristie Robin Photography 290631 ©Kristie Robin Photography 290761 ©Kristie Robin Photography 290833 IMG_9481